Complex Types |
The Empty namespace exposes the following members.
Element | Description | |
actuatorAttachmentType | Actuator attachment | |
actuatorControlSurfaceAttachmentType | Definition of the position and material properties of the control surface actuator attachment. | |
actuatorFuselageWingAttachmentType | actuatorFuselageWingAttachmentType | |
actuatorFuselageWingType | actuatorFuselageWingType | |
actuatorParentAttachmentType | Definition of the position and material properties of the parent actuator attachment. | |
actuatorsFuselageWingType | actuatorsFuselageWingType | |
aeroCaseAeroDataType | Aerodynamic loads | |
aeroCaseCoefficientsType | Aerodynamic coefficients | |
aeroCaseSpecificationType | Specification | |
aeroCasesType | Aerodynamic load cases | |
aeroCaseType | Aerodynamic load case | |
aeroDataComponentsType | Aerodynamic loads of components | |
aeroDataComponentType | Aerodynamic data of components | |
aeroDataVehicleType | Aerodynamic loads of the vehicle | |
aeroelasticDivergenceType | aeroelasticDivergenceType | |
aeroelasticStaticMaxDisplacementType | aeroelasticStaticMaxDisplacementType | |
aeroelasticsType | Aeroelasticity | |
aeroLimitsIncrementMapsType | Increment maps for limitation values due to movable device deflections | |
aeroLimitsIncrementMapType | Increment maps for limitation values due to movable device deflections | |
aeroLimitsMapType | Aerodynamic limitations | |
aeroMapOperationLimitType | Vehicle operation limit | |
aeroMapType | Aerodynamic map | |
aeroPerformanceBoundaryConditionsType | Boundary conditions | |
aeroPerformanceIncrementMapsType | Increment maps for aerodynamic coefficients | |
aeroPerformanceIncrementMapType | Increment map from aerodynamic coefficients | |
aeroPerformanceMapRCType | aeroPerformanceMapRCType | |
aeroPerformanceMapsRCType | aeroPerformanceMapsRCType | |
aeroPerformanceMapType | Aerodynamic coefficients and derivatives | |
aeroPerformanceRCType | aeroPerformanceType | |
aeroPerformanceType | Aerodynamic performance | |
aircraftAnalysesGlobalType | Global analysis information | |
aircraftAnalysesType | Results from several analysis modules connected to CPACS | |
aircraftControlElementsType | Control elements | |
aircraftControlElementType | Control element | |
aircraftGlobalType | Global data | |
aircraftModelType | Aircraft model | |
aircraftType | Aircraft | |
airfoilAeroPerformanceType | airfoilAeroPerformanceType | |
airfoilsAeroPerformanceType | airfoilsAeroPerformanceType | |
airframeMaintenanceCostType | airframeMaintenanceCostType | |
airlinesType | Airlines | |
airlineType | airlineType | |
airportCompatibilityGlobalType | Airport compatibility | |
airportsType | Airports | |
airportType | airportType | |
alignmentCrossBeamType | alignmentCrossBeamType | |
alignmentFloorPanelType | alignmentFloorPanelType | |
alignmentStringFrameType | alignmentStringFrameType | |
alignmentStructMemberType | alignmentStructMemberType | |
alternatingCurrentTrajectoryType | Alternating current | |
alternatingCurrentType | Alternating current | |
anisotropicShellPropertiesType | Anisotropic material properties for 2D materials | |
anisotropicSolidPropertiesType | Anisotropic material properties for 3D materials | |
atmosphericModelOldType | atmosphericModelType | |
atmosphericModelType | Atmospheric model | |
attachmentPinsType | Definition of attachment pins for the wing-fuselage attachment. | |
attachmentPinType | Attachment pin of the wing-fuselage-attachment. | |
axleAssembliesType | Bogie axle assemblies | |
axleAssemblyType | Bogie axle assembly | |
axleType | Axle | |
batteriesType | Batteries | |
batteryType | Battery | |
beamCrossSectionType | beamCrossSectionType | |
beamStiffnessType | beamStiffnessType | |
blockedDOFType | blockedDOFType | |
bogieType | Bogie | |
booleanBaseType | booleanBaseType | |
boundingBoxType | Bounding Box | |
boundingElementUIDsType | A list of uIDs referencing other structural/geometric elements that shall serve as a boundary of the wall element. Possible references are floor, wall or genericGeometryComponent. A major requirement is that the referenced element has an intersection with the wall for at least the distance between two wall positions. So that a full geometric face of the wall is bounded by it. Neighbouring wall faces that are not completely bounded by the reference element are not affected. | |
breakdownDataType | System breakdown data | |
cabinAislesType | Cabin aisles | |
cabinAisleType | Aisle | |
cabinGeometryContoursType | Cabin geometry contours | |
cabinGeometryContourType | Cabin geometry contour | |
cabinGeometryType | Geometry | |
cabinSpacesType | Cabin spaces | |
cabinSpaceType | Space | |
capType | Cap | |
cargoContainerElementsType | Cargo container elements | |
cargoContainerElementType | Cargo container element for use in the decks | |
cargoContainerGeometryType | Cargo container geometry | |
cargoContainersType | Cargo containers | |
cargoContainerType | Cargo container | |
cargoCrossBeamsAssemblyType | cargoCrossBeamsAssemblyType | |
cargoCrossBeamStrutsAssemblyType | cargoCrossBeamStrutsAssemblyType | |
cargoDoorsAssemblyType | cargoDoorsAssemblyType | |
ceilingPanelElementsType | Ceiling panel | |
ceilingPanelsType | Ceiling panels | |
cellPositioningChordwiseType | Chordwise positioning of wing cells. | |
cellPositioningSpanwiseType | Spanwise positioning of wing cells. | |
centerFuselageAreasAssemblyType | centerFuselageAreasAssemblyType | |
centerFuselageAreaType | centerFuselageAssemblyType | |
centerFuselageHighWingConfigurationType | centerFuselageHighWingConfiguration | |
centerFuselageKeelbeamType | centerFuselageKeelbeamType | |
centerFuselageLateralPanelsType | centerFuselageLateralPanelsType | |
centerFuselageLongFloorBeamsConnectionType | centerFuselageLongFloorBeamConnectionType | |
centerFuselageLowWingConfigurationType | centerFuselageLowWingConfiguration | |
centerFuselageMainFramesType | centerFuselageMainFramesType | |
centerFuselagePressureFloorType | centerFuselagePressureFloorType | |
centerFuselageSideboxType | centerFuselagePressureFloorType | |
certificationCasesType | certificationCasesType | |
changeLogType | Change log | |
chargesCostType | chargesCostType | |
chordwisePartsType | Aerodynamic contributions of a chrordwise part within a wing segment strip | |
chordwisePartType | Aerodynamic contributions of a chordwise part within a within a wing segment strip | |
classDividerElementsType | Class divider | |
classDividersType | Class dividers | |
cockpitControlsType | cockpitControlsType | |
cockpitControlType | cockpitControlType | |
coefficientReferenceType | Reference values for aerodynamic coefficients | |
coefficientsBreakdownComponentsType | Aerodynamic contributions of the components | |
coefficientsBreakdownComponentType | Aerodynamic contributions of a component | |
coefficientsBreakdownSegmentType | Aerodynamic contributions of a wing segment | |
coefficientsBreakdownStripsType | Aerodynamic contributions of strips within a wing segment | |
coefficientsBreakdownStripType | Aerodynamic contributions of a strip within a wing segment | |
coefficientsBreakdownType | Aerodynamic coefficients breakdown | |
coefficientsBreakdownWingSegmentsType | Aerodynamic contributions of wing segments | |
coefficientsBreakdownWingsType | Aerodynamic contributions of the wings | |
coefficientsBreakdownWingType | Aerodynamic contributions of a wing | |
commandCaseCommandType | commandCaseCommandType | |
commandCasesType | commandCasesType | |
commandCaseType | commandCaseType | |
compartmentGeometryType | ||
compartmentsType | ||
compartmentType | The compartment defines an enclosed volume in the fuselage. It is defined by a set of border geometries. This could be pressureBulkheads, walls or floors and they are referenced by their uIDs. The volume is closed with the fuselage skin. The geometry tool has to check, if the compartment definition gives a closed geometry. | |
complexBaseType | complexBaseType | |
componentCostType | componentCostType | |
componentSegmentPathType | componentSegmentPathType | |
componentSegmentStepsType | componentSegmentStepsType | |
componentSegmentStepType | componentSegmentStepType | |
componentSegmentsType | ComponentSegments of the wing. | |
componentSegmentType | ComponentSegment of the wing. | |
componentsType | Components | |
componentType | Component | |
compositeLayerType | compositeLayerType | |
compositesType | compositesType | |
compositeType | compositeType | |
configurationDefinitionsType | Vehicle configurations | |
configurationDefinitionType | Vehicle configuration | |
configurationReferencesType | Configurations | |
configurationReferenceType | Configuration | |
configurationType | Configuration | |
connectivitiesType | connectivitiesType | |
connectivityType | connectivityType | |
constraintSettingsType | Constraint | |
constraintsType | Mission segment constraints | |
contourReferenceType | Airfoil definition of an control surface at the inner/outer border. | |
controlDistributorsType | controlDistributorsType | |
controlDistributorType | controlDistributorType | |
controlElementsType | controlElementsType | |
controlElementType | controlElementType | |
controlFunctionsType | controlFunctionsType | |
controlFunctionType | controlFunctionType | |
controllabilityReqsType | Controllability requirements | |
controllabilityRequirementType | Controllability requirement | |
controlLawModesType | controlLawModesType | |
controlLawModeType | controlLawModeType | |
controlLawsType | controlLawsType | |
controlSurfaceActuatorsType | Definition of actuators of the control surface, that are not placed within a track. | |
controlSurfaceActuatorType | Definition of an actuator of the control surface, that is not placed within a track. | |
controlSurfaceAirfoilType | Airfoil definition of an control surface between inner and outer border. | |
controlSurfaceBorderLeadingEdgeType | Inner/outer border of the control surface. | |
controlSurfaceBorderSpoilerType | Inner/outer border of the control surface. | |
controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType | Inner/outer border of the control surface. | |
controlSurfaceContoursType | Optional definition of the exact airfoil shape of the control surface. | |
controlSurfaceDeflectionVectorsType | This type contains a list of control surfaces and their deflection vectors | |
controlSurfaceDeflectionVectorType | This type contains a vector of deflection values for a single control surface | |
controlSurfaceHingeMomentMapsType | controlSurfaceHingeMomentMapsType | |
controlSurfaceHingeMomentMapType | controlSurfaceHingeMomentMapType | |
controlSurfaceHingePointType | Hinge point | |
controlSurfaceOuterShapeLeadingEdgeType | Outer shape definition of the control surface. | |
controlSurfaceOuterShapeSpoilerType | Outer shape definition of the spoiler control surface. | |
controlSurfaceOuterShapeTrailingEdgeType | Outer shape definition of the control surface. | |
controlSurfacePathType | Definition of the deflection path of the control surface. | |
controlSurfacePerformanceMapOldType | controlSurfacePerformanceMapType | |
controlSurfacePerformanceMapsOldType | controlSurfacePerformanceMaps | |
controlSurfaceSkinCutOutBorderType | Border type for the inner and outer border of a wing cut out | |
controlSurfaceSkinCutOutType | Cut out of the parents upper/lower skin due to a control surface. | |
controlSurfaceStepsType | Definition of the steps of the control surface deflection path. | |
controlSurfaceStepType | controlSurfaceStepType | |
controlSurfacesType | controlSurfacesType | |
controlSurfaceTracksType | Control surface tracks (mechnaical link between control surface and parent). | |
controlSurfaceTrackTypeType | Control surface tracks (mechnaical link between control surface and parent). | |
controlSurfaceWingCutOutType | Cut out of the parents structure due to a control surface. | |
costAirConditioningSystemsType | costAirConditioningSystemsType | |
costAutomaticFlightSystemsType | costAutomaticFlightSystemsType | |
costAuxilaryPowerUnitsType | costAuxilaryPowerUnitsType | |
costBleedAirSystemsType | costBleedAirSystemsType | |
costCommunicationSystemsType | costCommunicationSystemsType | |
costComponentsType | costComponentsType | |
costDeIcingSystemsType | costDeIcingSystemsType | |
costElectricalSystemsType | costElectricalSystemsType | |
costEnginePylonsType | costEnginePylonsType | |
costEquippedEnginesType | costEquippedEnginesType | |
costFireProtectionSystemsType | costFireProtectionSystemsType | |
costFixedEmergencyOxygenSystemsType | costFixedEmergencyOxygenSystemsType | |
costFlightControlSystemsType | costFlightControlSystemsType | |
costFuelSystemsType | costFuelSystemsType | |
costFurnishingElementsType | costFurnishingElementsType | |
costFurnishingsType | costFurnishingsType | |
costFuselagesType | costFuselagesType | |
costHydraulicSystemsType | costHydraulicSystemsType | |
costInstrumentSystemsType | costInstrumentSystemsType | |
costLandingGearType | costLandingGearType | |
costLightingSystemsType | costLightingSystemsType | |
costNacellesType | costNacellesType | |
costNavigationSystemsType | costNavigationSystemsType | |
costPowerUnitsType | costPowerUnitsType | |
costSystemsType | costSystemsType | |
costWaterInstallationSystemsType | costWaterInstallationSystemsType | |
costWingsType | costWingsType | |
cpacsType | CPACS root element | |
crashLoadCasesType | crashLoadCasesType | |
crashLoadcaseType | crashLoadcaseType | |
crewCostType | crewCostType | |
crossBeamAssemblyPositionType | crossBeamAssemblyPositionType | |
crossBeamStrutAssemblyPositionType | crossBeamStrutAssemblyPositionType | |
cruiseRollersType | cruiseRollersType | |
cruiseRollerType | cruiseRollerType | |
cst2DType | cst2DType | |
curveParamPointMapType | Maps points (actually the index in the point list) to a curve parameter. | |
curvePointListXYZType | A curve that interpolates a list of points. | |
curvePointType | curvePointType | |
curveProfilesType | ||
cutLoadPointsType | cutLoadIntegrationPointsType | |
cutOutControlPointsType | cutOutControlPointsType | |
cutOutControlPointType | Additional definition of the leading edge cut out. | |
cutOutProfilesType | Definition of cut out profiles. | |
cutOutProfileType | Definition of cut out profiles. | |
cutOutType | cutOutType | |
dampingDerivativesRatesArrayType | Damping derivatives for positive and negative rotation rates | |
dampingDerivativesRatesType | Damping derivatives for positive and negative rotation rates | |
dampingDerivativesType | Damping derivatives | |
damTolBehaviourType | damTolBehaviourType | |
damTolFormanType | damTolFormanType | |
damTolWalkerType | damTolWalkerType | |
dateBaseType | dateBaseType | |
dateTimeBaseType | dateTimeBaseType | |
deckComponent2DBaseType | Deck component | |
deckComponentBaseType | Deck component | |
deckDoorsType | Deck doors | |
deckDoorType | Deck door | |
deckElementsType | Deck elements | |
decksDeckType | Deck | |
deckStructuralMountsType | Structural mounts | |
deckStructuralMountType | Structural mount | |
decksType | Decks | |
deltaTemperatureType | deltaTemperatureType | |
designMassesType | Design masses | |
designParametersType | Design parameters list | |
designParameterType | Design parameter definition | |
designSpaceType | Design space definition | |
designStudiesType | Design study definitions | |
directOperatingCostType | directOperatingCostType | |
divergenceCasesType | divergenceCasesType | |
divergenceCaseType | divergenceCaseType | |
domeTypeType | Dome Type | |
doorAssemblyPositionType | doorAssemblyPositionType | |
doorCutOutType | doorCutOutType | |
doorOpeningLegacyType | doorOpeningLegacyType | |
doorOpeningType | "doorOpeningType" | |
doorsType | doorsType | |
doorSurroundStructurePositionType | doorSurroundStructurePositionType | |
doorSurroundStructuresAssemblyType | doorSurroundStructuresAssemblyType | |
doubleArrayBaseType | Array with semicolon separated values of type double | |
doubleBaseType | doubleBaseType | |
doubleConstraintBaseType | doubleConstraintBaseType | |
doubleVectorBaseType | Vector with semicolon separated values of type double | |
doubleVectorConstraintBaseType | doubleVectorConstraintBaseType | |
dragContributionsType | Drag contributions | |
driveSystemsType | driveSystemsType | |
driveSystemType | driveSystemType | |
ductAssemblyType | Duct assembly | |
ductStructureType | Duct structure | |
ductsType | Ducts | |
ductType | Duct | |
dynamicAircraftModelAnalysisType | dynamicAircraftModelAnalysisType | |
electricMotorsType | Electric motors | |
electricMotorType | Electric motor | |
electricPowerTrajectoryType | Electric power | |
electricPowerType | Electric power | |
elementGeometryType | Geometry | |
elementMassType | Mass | |
ellipsoidDomeType | Ellipsoid dome | |
ellipsoidType | Ellipsoid | |
emissivityMapType | Emissivity map, containing the diffuse emissivity of a material at different spectral lengths. | |
energyCarriersType | Energy Carriers | |
engineAnalysisType | engineAnalysisType | |
engineFanType | Definition of global geometry parameters of the engine fan. | |
engineGeometryType | Definition of the global engine geometry. | |
engineGlobalType | engineGlobalType | |
engineMountsType | List of all engine mounts. | |
engineMountType | Definition of one engine mount. | |
engineNacelleType | Engine nacelle | |
enginePerformanceMapsType | enginePerformanceMapsType | |
enginePerformanceMapType | enginePerformanceMapType | |
enginePositionsType | Engine references | |
enginePositionType | enginePositionType | |
enginePylonsType | Engine pylons | |
enginePylonType | Definition of one engine pylon. | |
engineRotorsType | Rotors | |
engineRotorType | Propeller | |
engineSpinnerType | Definition of the engine spinner geometry. | |
enginesType | Engines | |
engineType | engineType | |
environmentType | Environmental conditions | |
etaIsoLineType | etaIsoLineType | |
etaXsiPointType | Point in eta and xsi coordinates | |
etaXsiRelHeightPointType | Relative height at eta, xsi position | |
externalGeometryType | External geometry | |
fatigueBehaviourType | fatigueBehaviourType | |
fatigueStressBasedBrownMillerType | fatigueStressBasedBrownMillerType | |
fleetType | fleetType | |
flightAnalysisType | flightAnalysisType | |
flightDynamicsAnalysisType | Flight dynamics | |
flightDynamicsLinearModelType | Linear model parameters | |
flightDynamicsTrimResultType | Trim result | |
flightEnvelopeSpeedType | Flight envelope speed | |
flightEnvelopesType | Flight Envelopes | |
flightEnvelopeType | Flight Envelope | |
flightLoadCasesType | Flight load cases | |
flightLoadConditionsType | Load conditions | |
flightLoadDataType | Flight loads | |
flightPathType | Flight path | |
flightPerformanceCasesType | Performance cases | |
flightPerformanceCaseType | Performance case | |
flightPerformanceLandingType | Results of the landing analysis | |
flightPerformanceLevelType | Level flight | |
flightPerformanceRequirementsType | Flight performance requirements | |
flightPerformanceRequirementType | Flight performance requirement | |
flightPerformanceTakeoffType | Results of the take-off analysis | |
flightPerformanceTurnType | Turn | |
flightPointsType | Flight Cases | |
flightPointType | flightPointType | |
flightsType | Flights | |
flightSystemsType | Flight systems | |
flightType | flightType | |
floorPanelsType | floorPanelsType | |
floorPanelType | floorPanelAssemblyPositionType | |
flyingQualitiesCasesType | Flying qualities | |
flyingQualitiesCaseType | Flying qualities case | |
fqCharParametersType | fqCharParametersType | |
fqEiglatType | fqEiglatType | |
fqLateralType | fqLateralType | |
fqLongitudinalType | fqLongitudinalType | |
fqPhugoidType | fqPhugoidType | |
fqRatingsType | fqRatingsType | |
fqRollPerfType | fqRollPerfType | |
fqRoloscType | fqRoloscType | |
fqShortPeriodType | fqShortPeriodType | |
fqTreffType | fqTreffType | |
framesAssemblyType | framesAssemblyType | |
frameType | frameType | |
freePathType | freePathType | |
frustumType | Frustum | |
fuelFlowsType | Fuel flows | |
fuelFlowType | Fuel flow | |
fuelMassFractionType | Fuel Mass Fraction | |
fuelStorageConditionsType | Storage conditions | |
fuelsType | Fuels | |
fuelTanksType | Fuel tanks | |
fuelTankType | Fuel tank | |
fuelTankVolumeType | Definition of different volumes of the fuel tank. | |
fuelType | Fuel | |
fuselageAeroPerformanceType | fuselageAeroPerformanceType | |
fuselageCutOutsType | fuselageCutOutsType | |
fuselageCutOutType | fuselageCutOutType | |
fuselageElementsType | fuselageElementsType | |
fuselageElementType | fuselageElementType | |
fuselageFuelTanksType | List of fuselage fuel tanks. | |
fuselageFuelTankType | Definition of one fuselage fuel tank. | |
fuselageProfilesType | fuselageProfilesType | |
fuselagesAeroPerformanceType | fuselagesAeroPerformanceType | |
fuselageSectionsType | fuselageSectionsType | |
fuselageSectionType | fuselageSectionType | |
fuselageSegmentsType | fuselageSegmentsType | |
fuselageSegmentType | fuselageSegmentType | |
fuselageStructuralMountsType | Structural mounts | |
fuselageStructureType | fuselageStructureType | |
fuselagesType | Fuselages | |
fuselageType | fuselageType | |
galleyElementsType | Galley elements | |
galleyElementType | Galley element | |
galleysType | Galleys | |
gasTurbinesType | Gas turbines | |
gasTurbineType | GasTurbine | |
gearBoxesType | Gear boxes | |
gearBoxType | Gear box | |
gearDeflectionVectorsType | This type contains a list of gears and their deflection vectors | |
gearDeflectionVectorType | This type contains a vector of deflection values for a single gear | |
generalStructuralMemberPositionType | stringerFramePositionType | |
generalStructuralMembersAssemblyType | generalStructuralMembersAssemblyType | |
generalStructuralMemberType | generalStructuralMemberType | |
generatorsType | Generators | |
generatorType | Generator | |
genericComponentsType | Generic components | |
genericCostType | genericCostType | |
genericFloorElementsType | Generic floor elements | |
genericFloorModulesType | Generic floor modules | |
genericGeometricComponentType | genericGeometricComponentType | |
genericGeometryComponentsType | Generic geometric components | |
genericGeometryType | Generic geometry | |
genericMassType | Mass description | |
genericSystemsType | genericSystemsType | |
genericSystemType | Generic system | |
geographicPointConstraintType | geographicPointConstraintType | |
geographicPointType | geographicPointType | |
globalAeroPerformanceType | airfoilAeroPerformanceType | |
globalBeamPropertiesType | globalBeamPropertiesType | |
globalFlightPointType | Flight point | |
globalPerformanceCasesType | Performance Cases | |
groundLoadCasesType | Ground load Cases | |
guideCurveProfileGeometryType | guideCurveProfileGeometryType | |
guideCurveProfilesType | guideCurveProfilesType | |
guideCurvesType | Guide Curves Type | |
guideCurveType | Guide Curve Type | |
headerType | CPACS header | |
heatExchangersType | Heat exchangers | |
heatExchangerType | Heat exchanger | |
heatFlowTrajectoryType | Heat flow | |
heatFlowType | Heat flow | |
hingeMomentsMapType | hingeMomentsMapType | |
htpFwdInterfaceDefType | htpFwdInterfaceDefType | |
htpInterfaceDefType | htpInterfaceDefType | |
htpStructElemDefType | htpStructElemDefType | |
indirectOperatingCostType | indirectOperatingCostType | |
integerBaseType | integerBaseType | |
interConnectionStrutAttachmentType | interConnectionStrutAttachmentType | |
interconnectionStrutsType | interconnectionStrutsType | |
interconnectionStrutType | interconnectionStrutType | |
intercostalPositionType | intercostalPositionType | |
intercostalsAssemblyType | IntercostalsAssemblyType | |
interfaceDefinitionsType | structuralElementsConnectionsType | |
isotensoidDomeType | Isotensoid dome | |
isotropicPropertiesType | Isotropic material properties | |
landingGearBaseType | Landing gear base | |
landingGearBrakingStateType | Braking function | |
landingGearComponentAssemblyType | Assembly of landing gear components | |
landingGearControlFunctionsType | Landing gear control functions | |
landingGearControlType | Landing gear control parameters | |
landingGearExtensionFunctionStepType | Extension step | |
landingGearExtensionFunctionType | Extension path | |
landingGearInterfaceDefinitionsType | landingGearInterfaceDefinitionsType | |
landingGearInterfaceKeelbeamType | keelbeamType | |
landingGearInterfaceLateralPanelsType | lateralPanelsType | |
landingGearInterfaceLongFloorBeamsConnectionType | longFloorBeamConnectionType | |
landingGearInterfaceMainFramesType | centerFuselageMainFramesType | |
landingGearInterfacePressureFloorType | pressureFloorType | |
landingGearInterfaceSideboxType | sideboxType | |
landingGearPositionSafetyMarginsType | Landing gear position safety margins | |
landingGearSteeringFunctionStepType | Steering step | |
landingGearSteeringFunctionType | Steering path | |
landingGearStrutAttachmentType | Definition of the wing attachment | |
landingGearsType | Landing gears | |
landingGearSupportBeamPositionType | Definition of the main landing gear support beam position | |
landingGearType | Landing gears | |
lateralCapType | ||
lavatoriesType | Lavatories | |
lavatoryElementsType | Lavatory elements | |
leadingEdgeDevicesType | Definition of the wings leading edge devices. | |
leadingEdgeDeviceType | Trailing edge device of the wing. | |
leadingEdgeHollowType | Optional definition of the airfoil inner shape of leading edge devices (LED). | |
leadingEdgeShapeType | Optional definition of the leading edge shape of trailing edge devices (TED). | |
linerType | linerType | |
linkToFileType | Link to file (Step, Iges or Stl) | |
loadAnalysisType | Load analysis | |
loadApplicationPointSetsType | Load application points | |
loadApplicationPointSetType | Load application point set | |
loadApplicationPointsType | dynamicAircraftModelCoordinatesType | |
loadBreakdownType | loadBreakdownType | |
loadCaseAccelerationsType | Accelerations | |
loadCaseGustType | Gust definition | |
loadCaseLoadFactorsType | Load factors | |
loadCaseSpecificationType | Load case specification | |
loadCasesType | Load cases | |
loadCaseSuperpositionType | Load case superposition | |
loadCaseType | Load case | |
loadEnvelopesType | Load envelopes | |
loadEnvelopeType | Load envelope | |
loadReferenceLineType | loadReferenceAxisPointsType | |
loadReferencePointType | loadReferenceAxisPointType | |
loadSetsType | Load sets | |
loadSetType | Load set | |
logEntryType | Log entry | |
longFloorBeamPositionType | logFloorBeamPositionType | |
longFloorBeamsAssemblyType | longFloorBeamsAssemblyType | |
longFloorBeamType | longFloorBeamType | |
longitudinalBodiesType | Longitudinal bodies | |
longitudinalBodyType | Longitudinal body (lofted in streamwise direction, like a fuselage) | |
luggageCompartmentElementsType | Luggage compartment elements | |
luggageCompartmentsType | Luggage compartments | |
mAdditionalCenterTanksType | Additional Center Tanks | |
mainActuatorType | Main actuator | |
mainGearsType | Main landing gear | |
mainStrutInterfaceDefinitionsType | mainStrutInterfaceDefinitionsType | |
mainStrutWingFuselageAttachmentType | mainStrutFuselageAttachmentType | |
maintenanceCostType | maintenanceCostType | |
mAirConditioningType | mAirConditioningType | |
massBreakdownType | Mass breakdown | |
massCompositionType | Mass composition | |
massFlowTrajectoryType | Mass flow | |
massFlowType | Mass flow | |
massInertiaType | Mass inertia | |
massInertiaVectorType | massInertiaVectorType | |
materialDefinitionForProfileBasedPointType | materialDefinitionForProfileBasedPointType | |
materialDefinitionForProfileBasedType | Definition of the properties of the structural profile sheet | |
materialDefinitionType | Material Definition | |
materialsType | Materials | |
materialType | Material | |
mAutomaticFlightSystemType | mAutomaticFlightSystemType | |
mAuxillaryPowerUnitType | mAuxillaryPowerUnitType | |
mAxleType | Axle | |
mBellyFairingsType | mBellyFairingsType | |
mBleedAirSystemType | mBleedAirSystemType | |
mBogieType | Bogie | |
mBulkCargosType | mBulkCargosType | |
mBulkCargoType | mBulkCargoType | |
mBulkheadsType | mBulkheadsType | |
mCabinFloorsType | mCabinFloorsType | |
mCabinLightingsType | mCabinLightingsType | |
mCargoFloorsType | mCargoFloorsType | |
mCargoLiningsType | mCargoLiningsType | |
mCargoLoadingsType | mCargoLoadingsType | |
mCargoType | Cargo masses | |
mCarriagesType | mCarriagesType | |
mCarryOnsType | mCarryOnsType | |
mCarryOnType | mCarryOnType | |
mCateringsType | mCateringsType | |
mCellsType | mCellsType | |
mCockpitLightingsType | mCockpitLightingsType | |
mCommunicationType | mCommunicationType | |
mComponentSegmentsType | mComponentSegmentsType | |
mComponentSegmentType | mComponentSegmentType | |
mControlSurfaceSupportsType | mControlSurfaceSupportsType | |
mControlSurfaceSupportType | mControlSurfaceSupportType | |
mCrewMembersType | mCrewMembersType | |
mCrewSeatsType | mCrewSeatsType | |
mDeIcingType | mDeIcingType | |
mDocumentsToolsType | mDocumentsToolsType | |
mDoorsType | mDoorsType | |
mechanicalPowerTrajectoryType | Mechanical power | |
mechanicalPowerType | Mechanical power | |
mElectricalDistributionType | mElectricalDistributionType | |
mElectricalGenerationType | mElectricalGenerationType | |
mEmergencyEquipmentsType | mEmergencyEquipmentsType | |
mEmergencyOxygenSystemsType | mEmergencyOxygenSystemsType | |
mEmptyULDsType | mEmptyULDsType | |
mEmptyULDType | mEmptyULDType | |
mEngineAPUOilsType | Engine APU oils | |
mEngineControlType | mEngineControlType | |
mEquippedEnginesType | mEquippedEnginesType | |
mExtLightingsType | mExtLightingsType | |
mFireProtectionType | mFireProtectionType | |
mFixedGalleysType | mFixedGalleysType | |
mFixedLeadingEdgesType | mFixedLeadingEdgesType | |
mFixedLeadingEdgeType | mFixedLeadingEdgeType | |
mFixedTrailingEdgesType | mFixedTrailingEdgesType | |
mFixedTrailingEdgeType | mFixedTrailingEdgeType | |
mFlightControlsType | mFlightControlsType | |
mFloorCoveringsType | mFloorCoveringsType | |
mFramesType | mFramesType | |
mFreshWaterSystemsType | mFreshWaterSystemsType | |
mFuelInTanksType | Fuel in tanks | |
mFuelSystemType | mFuelSystemType | |
mFuelType | Fuel mass | |
mFurnishingType | Mass | |
mFuselagesStructureType | mFuselagesStructureType | |
mFuselageStructureType | mFuselageStructureType | |
mGenericFuelTanksType | Generic fuel tanks | |
mHydraulicDistributionType | mHydraulicDistributionType | |
mHydraulicGenerationType | mHydraulicGenerationType | |
mIFESystemsType | In-flight entertainment systems | |
mInstrumentPanelType | mInstrumentPanelType | |
mInsulationsType | mInsulationsType | |
mIntegratedModularAvionicsType | mIntegratedModularAvionicsType | |
mInterGasSystemType | mInterGasSystemType | |
missionDefinitionsType | Mission definitions | |
missionEndRunwayType | ||
missionPerformanceMapDefinitionType | Setting default and specific performance maps to be used for a model | |
missionSegmentBlockConstraintsType | Specific performance settings for the segmentBlock (e.g.: a cruise Mach number) | |
missionSegmentBlocksType | Segment blocks | |
missionSegmentBlockType | Segment block | |
missionSegmentEndConditionType | End condition | |
missionSegmentsType | Mission segments | |
missionSegmentType | Segment | |
missionStartConditionType | Start conditions | |
missionStartRunwayType | ||
missionsType | Missions | |
missionType | Mission | |
mLandingGearsType | mLandingGearsType | |
mLandingGearSupportsType | mLandingGearSupportsType | |
mLandingGearType | mLandingGearType | |
mLavatoriesType | mLavatoriesType | |
mLiningsType | mLiningsType | |
mManufacturerEmptyType | Mass | |
mMillitarySystemsType | mMillitarySystemsType | |
mMoveableLeadingEdgesType | mMoveableLeadingEdgesType | |
mMoveableLeadingEdgeType | mMoveableLeadingEdgeType | |
mMoveablesType | mMoveablesType | |
mMoveableTrailingEdgeType | mMoveableTrailingEdgeType | |
mNavigationType | mNavigationType | |
monetaryValuesAnalysisType | Monetary values | |
mOperatorItemsType | Mass | |
mOverheadBinsType | mOverheadBinsType | |
mPartStowDoorsType | mPartStowDoorsType | |
mPassengersType | mPassengersType | |
mPassengerType | mPassengerType | |
mPaxType | Passengers masses | |
mPayloadType | Payload mass | |
mPintleStrutsType | Pintle struts | |
mPowerUnitsType | Mass | |
mPylonAttachmentsType | mPylonAttachmentsType | |
mPylonsType | mPylonsType | |
mRemovableCrewRestsType | Removable crew rests | |
mRibsType | mRibsType | |
mRibType | mRibType | |
mSeatsType | mSeatsType | |
mShellsType | mShellsType | |
mShellType | mShellType | |
mSideStrutsType | Side Struts | |
mSkinPanelsType | mSkinPanelsType | |
mSkinsType | mSkinsType | |
mSparCellsType | mSparCellsType | |
mSparSkinsType | mSparSkinsType | |
mSparsType | mSparsType | |
mSparType | mSparType | |
mSpecialStructuresType | mSpecialStructuresType | |
mSpoilersType | mSpoilersType | |
mStringersType | mStringersType | |
mStructureType | Mass | |
mSystemsType | Mass | |
mToiletFluidsType | Toilet fluids | |
mTrailingEdgeDevicesType | mTrailingEdgeDevicesType | |
mTrailingEdgeDeviceType | mTrailingEdgeDeviceType | |
mULDContentsType | mULDContentsType | |
mULDContentType | mULDContentType | |
mUnusableFuelsType | UnusableFuels | |
mVacuumWasteSystemsType | mVacuumWasteSystemsType | |
mWallsType | mWallsType | |
mWasteWaterSystemsType | mWasteWaterSystemsType | |
mWaterReservoirsType | Water reservoirs | |
mWheelsType | Wheels | |
mWindowsType | mWindowsType | |
mWingBoxType | mWingBoxType | |
mWingsStructureType | mWingsStructureType | |
mWingStructureType | mWingStructureType | |
nacelleCenterCowlType | Center cowl | |
nacelleCowlType | Nacelle cowl | |
nacelleGuideCurvesType | Guide curves | |
nacelleGuideCurveType | Guide curve | |
nacelleProfilesType | nacelleProfilesType | |
nacelleSectionsType | Sections | |
nacelleSectionType | Section | |
noiseAnalysisType | Noise | |
noseGearsType | Nose landing gears | |
oEMType | Operating empty mass | |
operationalCasesType | operationalCasesType | |
operationalCaseType | operationalCaseType | |
operationLimitIncrementsType | Operation Limit Increments | |
orthotropicShellPropertiesType | Orthotropic material properties for 2D materials | |
orthotropicSolidPropertiesType | Orthotropic material properties for 3D materials | |
outerCutOutProfileType | outerCutOutProfileType | |
parallelepipedType | Parallelepiped | |
parametersType | Container for parameter definitions | |
parameterType | Parameter definition for design studies. | |
paxCrossBeamsAssemblyType | paxCrossBeamsAssemblyType | |
paxCrossBeamStrutsAssemblyType | paxCrossBeamStrutsAssemblyType | |
paxDoorsAssemblyType | paxDoorsAssemblyType | |
payloadGlobalType | payloadGlobalType | |
performanceMapSelectionType | Selection of performance maps | |
performanceRequirementConfigurationsType | Configurations which apply for this performance requirement | |
performanceRequirementsType | Performance requirements | |
performanceTargetsGlobalType | performanceTargetsGlobalType | |
phaseMassFlowTrajectoryType | Multi-phase mass flow | |
phaseMassFlowType | Multi-phase mass flow | |
pintleStrutsType | Pintle strut(s) (Assumption: one end of the strut will connect to the main strut and the other end will be given as endPoint) | |
pistonType | Piston | |
plasticityCurvePointsType | ||
plasticityCurvePointType | plasticityCurvePointType | |
plasticityCurvesType | plasticityCurvesType | |
plasticityCurveType | This type describes the plasticity curve of isotropic materials | |
pointAbsRelType | Point with global/local reference | |
pointConstraintType | Point with constraints | |
pointListRelXYZVectorType | List of 3D points, kept in three relative coordinate vecors (rX, rY, rZ) | |
pointListType | List of points | |
pointListXYType | List of points in x,y | |
pointListXYVectorType | List of 2D points, kept in two coordinate vecors (x, y) | |
pointListXYZVectorType | List of 3D points, kept in three coordinate vecors (x, y, z) | |
pointPerformanceConstraintsType | Constraints | |
pointPerformanceDefinitionsType | Point performance definitions | |
pointPerformanceDefinitionType | pointPerformanceType | |
pointPerformanceRequirementsType | Requirements | |
pointType | Point: x,y,z | |
pointXType | Point: x | |
pointXYType | Point: x,y | |
pointXYZType | Point: x,y,z | |
pointXZType | Point: x, z | |
pointYType | Point: y | |
pointYZType | Point: y, z | |
pointZType | Point: z | |
posExcl0DoubleBaseType | Positive double values larger than 0 | |
posExcl0IntBaseType | Positive integer values larger than 0 | |
posIntVectorBaseType | Vector with semicolon separated positive integer values | |
positioningsType | Positionings of the wing. | |
positioningType | Positioning of the wing section | |
powerBreakdownSpecificationType | Specification of the power breakdown case | |
powerBreakdownsType | Power breakdowns | |
powerFlowBaseType | Power flow | |
powerFlowTrajectoryType | Power flow | |
powerFlowType | Power flow | |
pressureBulkheadAssemblyPositionType | pressureBulkheadAssemblyPositionType | |
pressureBulkheadAssemblyType | pressureBulkheadAssemblyType | |
pressureBulkheadsType | pressureBulkheadsType | |
pressureBulkheadType | pressureBulkheadType | |
profileBasedStructuralElementsType | structuralElementType | |
profileBasedStructuralElementType | Structural elements based on profiles | |
profileGeometry2DType | profileGeometry2DType | |
profileGeometryType | profileGeometryType | |
profilesType | Profiles | |
pylonAttachmentsType | Attachments of the pylon to the parent. | |
pylonAttachmentType | Attachment of the pylon to the parent. | |
pylonBoxType | Structural properties of the pylon box (ribs, upper, lower and side panels). | |
pylonPinsType | Definition of pylon pins. | |
pylonPinType | Definition of one pylon pin. | |
pylonRibsDefinitionsType | Structural properties of all tibs of the engine pylon box. | |
pylonRibsDefinitionType | Definition of a rib set. | |
pylonRibsPositioningType | pylonRibsPositioningType | |
pylonShacklesType | Structural properties of pylon shackles (for pylon to parent attachment), if existing. | |
pylonShackleType | Structural properties of a pylon shackle. | |
pylonShellType | Structural properties of the pylon shells. | |
pylonStructureType | Definition of the load carrying structure of the engine pylon. | |
pylonStrutsType | Structural properties of struts (drag struts, upper links and tangent links), if existing. | |
radiativeForcingType | radiativeForcingType | |
rectangleProfileType | Rectangle | |
recurringCostType | recurringCostType | |
referenceType | Reference values | |
relativeStrutPositionType | ||
releasedStoresType | Released stores | |
releasedStoreType | Released store | |
remainingContributionsType | Remaining contributions to aerodynamic coefficients | |
remainingContributionType | Remaining contribution to aerodynamic coefficients | |
requirementClassificationType | Requirement classification based on the MoSCoW method (must, should, could or wont) | |
requirementType | requirementType | |
ribIdentificationType | RibIdentificationType, defining one rib. | |
ribRotationType | Definition of the rib rotation | |
rivetJointAreaAssemblyPositionType | rivetJointAreaAssemblyPositionType | |
rivetJointAreasAssemblyType | rivetJointAreasAssemblyType | |
rivetsType | rivetsType | |
rivetType | rivetType | |
rotationCurveType | Rotation curve | |
rotorAirfoilsType | rotorAirfoilsType | |
rotorBladeAttachmentsType | rotorBladeAttachmentsType | |
rotorBladeAttachmentType | rotorBladeAttachmentType | |
rotorBladesType | rotorBladesType | |
rotorcraftAnalysesType | rotorcraftAnalysesType, results from several analysis modules connected to CPACS | |
rotorcraftGlobalType | rotorcraftGlobalType | |
rotorcraftMassBreakdownType | massBreakdownType | |
rotorcraftMassEMType | Mass | |
rotorcraftMassGroupLevel1Type | Mass | |
rotorcraftMassGroupLevel2Type | Mass | |
rotorcraftMassOEMType | Operating empty mass | |
rotorcraftModelType | rotorcraftModelType | |
rotorcraftType | Rotorcraft | |
rotorElementsRotorBladesType | Rotor blade elements | |
rotorElementsRotorBladeType | Rotor blade | |
rotorElementsRotorsType | Rotor | |
rotorElementsRotorType | Rotor type, containing a rotor (main rotor, tail rotor, fenestron, propeller,...) of an rotorcraft model. | |
rotorElementsType | Rotor elements | |
rotorHubHingesType | rotorHubHingesType | |
rotorHubHingeType | rotorHubHinge type, containing a rotor hub hinge (flap/leadLag/pitch). | |
rotorHubType | rotorHubType | |
rotorsType | rotorsType | |
rotorType | Rotor type, containing a rotor (main rotor, tail rotor, fenestron, propeller,...) of an rotorcraft model. | |
runwayILSType | runwayILSType | |
runwayStartPositionType | Runway start position | |
runwaysType | runwaysType | |
runwayType | runwayType | |
seatElementsType | Seat elements | |
seatElementType | Seat element | |
seatModulesType | Seat modules | |
shaftLinkedComponentsType | shaftLinkedComponentsType | |
shaftsType | shaftsType | |
shaftType | shaftType | |
sheet3DType | sheet3DType | |
sheetBasedStructuralElementsType | sheetBasedStrcuturalElementsType | |
sheetBasedStructuralElementType | sheetBasedStructuralElementType | |
sheetList3DType | sheetList3DType | |
sheetListType | List of sheets, connecting 2-dimensional profile points. | |
sheetPointsType | sheetPointsType | |
sheetType | sheetType | |
sideStrutsType | Side strut(s) (Assumption: one end of the strut will connect to the main strut and the other end will be given as endPoint) | |
sidewallPanelElementsType | Sidewall panel elements | |
sidewallPanelsType | Sidewall panels | |
singleGenericMassType | singleGenericMassType | |
skidGearsType | Skid landing gears | |
skinSegmentsType | fuselageSkinSegmentType | |
skinSegmentType | fuselagePanelType | |
skinType | skinType | |
sourceTargetType | Source / Target | |
sparCellsType | SparCells of current spar. | |
sparCellType | Spar cell of the spar. | |
sparCrossSectionType | Definition of the spar cross section. | |
sparPositionsType | Spar definition points on the wing. | |
sparPositionType | Spar position on the wing | |
sparPositionUIDsType | sparPositionUIDs of the spar. | |
sparSegmentsType | Spar segments of the wing. | |
sparSegmentType | SparSegments (=spars) of the wing. | |
speciesType | Species | |
specificConfigurationSegmentsType | List of segment uIDs to which the configuration is to be applied | |
specificConfigurationSegmentType | Specification of a segment uID and index of the parameter lapses | |
specificConfigurationUIDsType | Specific configuration uIDs | |
specificConfigurationUIDType | Connection between segments, pointPerformances and a configurationUID | |
specificHeatMapType | Specific heat map, containing the specific heat capacity of a material at different temperatures. | |
specificPerformanceMapsType | specificPerformanceMapsType | |
specificPerformanceMapType | Specific performance map | |
speedDesignatorsType | Speed designators | |
spoilersType | Definition of the wings spoilers. | |
spoilerType | Spoilers of the wing. | |
standardProfileType | Standard profile | |
stateParametersType | State parameters list | |
stateParameterType | State parameter definition | |
staticCasesType | Static power breakdowns | |
staticCaseType | Static power breakdown case | |
stiffnessType | stiffnessType | |
storageComponentsType | Storage components | |
storageComponentType | Storage component | |
storedEnergyCarriersType | Energy carrier configuration | |
storedFuelsType | Stored fuels | |
storedFuelType | Stored fuel | |
stringArrayBaseType | stringArrayBaseType | |
stringBaseType | stringBaseType | |
stringerFramePositionType | stringerFramePositionType | |
stringerFramePositionUIDsType | framePositionUIDs of the frame | |
stringersAssemblyType | stringersAssemblyType | |
stringerType | arbitraryStringerType | |
stringUIDBaseType | stringUIDBaseType | |
stringVectorBaseType | stringVectorBaseType | |
structuralElementsType | Structural elements | |
structuralMountType | Structural mount | |
structuralProfile3DType | structuralProfile3DType | |
structuralProfilesType | Definition cross sections of structural profiles. | |
structuralProfileType | 2-dimensional cross sections of structural profiles. | |
structuralWallElementsType | ||
structuralWallElementType | ||
strutAssemblyType | Strut assembly | |
strutPropertiesType | Strut properties | |
strutType | Geometric description and material properties of a strut | |
studiesType | Design study parameters and results | |
subFleetsType | subFleetsType | |
subFleetType | subFleetType | |
subLoadType | subLoadType | |
superEllipseProfileType | Superellipse | |
supportBeamType | Main landing gear support beam | |
systemArchitecturesType | System architectures | |
systemArchitectureType | System architecture | |
systemConnectionsType | Connections | |
systemConnectionType | Connection | |
systemControlDevicesType | Control devices | |
systemElementsType | System elements | |
systemStateType | Control parameter definition for System or Connection state | |
systemsType | Systems | |
tailplaneAttachmentAreaType | tailplaneAttachmentAreaType | |
takeoffPerformanceParametersType | takeoffPerformanceParametersType | |
tangentLinksType | Structural properties of the tangent links, if existing. The tangent links do connect the engine pylon with the engine to carry the thrust forces. | |
tiedInterfacesType | simpleConnectionsType | |
tiedInterfaceType | simpleConnectionType | |
timeBaseType | timeBaseType | |
timeConstraintBaseType | timeConstraintBaseType | |
toolspecificType | Toolspecific data | |
toolType | Tool identification | |
topologyEntriesType | topologyEntriesType | |
topologyEntryType | topologyEntryType | |
torisphericalDomeType | Torispherical dome | |
totalOperatingCostType | totalOperatingCostType | |
trackActuatorType | trackActuatorType | |
trackJointCoordinatesType | Joint coordinates | |
trackJointPositionsType | Specification of joint coordinates. | |
trackJointPositionType | Set of joint coordinates | |
trackSecondaryStructureType | ||
trackStructureType | wingSparsType | |
trackStrutsType | Definition of the struts of a control surface track. | |
trackStrutType | Definition of a strut of a control surface track. | |
trailingEdgeDevicesType | Definition of the wings trailing edge devices. | |
trailingEdgeDeviceType | Trailing edge device of the wing. | |
trajectoriesType | Trajectories | |
trajectoryGlobalType | trajectoryGlobalType | |
trajectoryType | trajectoryType | |
transformation2DType | 2D transformation | |
transformationRTType | Transformation | |
transformationType | Transformation | |
transientBreakdownDataType | System breakdown data | |
transientCaseSpecificationType | Specification of the power breakdown case | |
transientCasesType | Power breakdowns | |
transientCaseType | Power breakdown case along a trajectory | |
transmissionGearRatioType | transmissionGearRatioType | |
transmissionShaftInputsType | transmissionShaftInputsType | |
transmissionShaftInputType | transmissionShaftInputType | |
transmissionShaftOutputsType | transmissionShaftOutputsType | |
transmissionShaftOutputType | transmissionShaftOutputType | |
transmissionsType | transmissionsType | |
transmissionType | transmissionType | |
transverseBodiesType | Transverse bodies | |
transverseBodyType | Transverse body (i.e., cross-stream direction, like a wing) | |
trimCaseType | Trim case | |
trimRequirementsType | Trim requirements | |
trimRequirementType | Trim requirement | |
trimType | Trim | |
turboGeneratorsType | Turbo generators | |
turboGeneratorType | Turbo generator | |
uIDGroupDefinitionsType | UIDGroupDefinitionsType | |
uIDGroupDefinitionType | UIDGroupDefinitionType | |
uIDSequenceType | List of uIDs | |
upperLinksType | Structural properties of the upper links, if existing. The upper links do connect the upper forward part of the pylon box with the forward wing attachment. | |
variableSegmentsType | List of segments that are allowed to be varied within a mission optimization. | |
variableSegmentType | variableSegmentType | |
vehicleElementBaseType | System element | |
vehiclesType | Vehicles | |
versionInfosType | Version Informations | |
versionInfoType | Version Information | |
vesselSkinLayersType | Skin Layers | |
vesselStructureType | Structure | |
vesselsType | Vessels | |
vesselType | Vessel | |
vtpFrameDefType | vtpFrameDefType | |
vtpInterfaceDefType | vtpInterfaceDefType | |
wallPositionsType | Definition of wall positions to place walls inside fuselage. | |
wallPositionType | Definition of a wall position to place walls inside fuselage. | |
wallPositionUIDsType | ||
wallSegmentsType | ||
wallSegmentType | ||
wallsType | ||
webType | webType | |
weightAndBalanceCaseType | weightAndBalanceCaseType | |
weightAndBalanceFuelInTanksType | weightAndBalanceFuelInTanksType | |
weightAndBalanceFuelInTankType | weightAndBalanceFuelInTankType | |
weightAndBalanceFuelType | weightAndBalanceFuelType | |
weightAndBalancemCargosType | weightAndBalancemCargosType | |
weightAndBalancemPaxxType | weightAndBalancemPaxxType | |
weightAndBalancePayloadType | weightAndBalancePayloadType | |
weightAndBalanceType | Weight and balance | |
wheelType | Definition of the landing gear wheel. | |
windowAssemblyPositionType | windowAssemblyPositionType | |
windowsAssemblyType | windowsAssemblyType | |
windowsType | windowsType | |
wingAeroPerformanceType | wingAeroPerformanceType | |
wingAirfoilsType | wingAirfoilsType | |
wingAttachmentPositioningType | Position of the landing gear on a wing | |
wingCellsType | Cells of the wing. | |
wingCellType | Cell of the wing | |
wingComponentSegmentStructureType | Structure of the wing | |
wingCutOutsType | CutOuts of the wing | |
wingCutOutType | CutOut of the wing | |
wingElementsType | Elements of the wing. | |
wingElementType | Element of the section. | |
wingFuelTankBorderType | Border of the fuel tank (either rib or spar). | |
wingFuelTankGeometryType | Definition of the geometry of the wing fuel tank by defining a continouse list of borders. | |
wingFuelTanksType | List of wing fuel tanks. | |
wingFuelTankType | Definition of one wing fuel tank. | |
wingFuselageAttachmentsType | Definition of the wing-fuselage attachment. | |
wingFuselageAttachmentType | Definition of the wing-fuselage attachment | |
wingInterfaceDefinitionsType | wingInterfaceDefinitionsType | |
wingInterfaceMainFramesType | centerFuselageMainFramesType | |
wingInterfaceSupportStrutsAssemblyType | wingInterfaceSupportStrutsAssemblyType | |
wingInterfaceSupportStrutType | wingInterfaceSupportStrutType | |
wingIntermediateStructureCellsType | IntermediateStructure cells | |
wingIntermediateStructureCellType | Definition of the cell of the intermediateStructure | |
wingRibCellType | Definition of a ribCell | |
wingRibCrossSectionType | Cross section properties of a wing rib | |
wingRibExplicitPositioningType | Explicit positioning of a wing rib | |
wingRibPointType | wingRibPointType | |
wingRibsDefinitionsType | Wing ribs | |
wingRibsDefinitionType | Definition of a set of ribs | |
wingRibsPositioningType | Positioning of a set of wing ribs | |
wingsAeroPerformanceType | wingsAeroPerformanceType | |
wingSectionsType | Sections of the wing. | |
wingSectionType | Section of the wing. | |
wingSegmentsType | Segments of the wing. | |
wingSegmentType | Segment of the wing. | |
wingShellType | Shells of the wing | |
wingSkinType | Material properties of the wing skin. | |
wingSparType | Wing spars | |
wingStringerType | Definition of the wing stringers. | |
wingStructuralMountsType | wingStructuralMountsType | |
wingsType | Wings | |
wingType | Wing type, containing all a lifting surface (wing, HTP, VTP, canard...) of an aircraft model. | |
wingWingAttachmentElementsType | The two elements that where the structural connection is placed. | |
wingWingAttachmentSparsType | Two spars that are structurally connected. | |
wingWingAttachmentsSparsType | wingWingAttachmentsSparsType | |
wingWingAttachmentsType | List of wingWingAttachments. | |
wingWingAttachmentType | wingWingAttachmentType | |
xsiIsoLineType | xsiIsoLineType | |
zCouplingsType | zCouplingsType | |
zCouplingType | zCouplingType |