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fuselageCutOutType Complex Type


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
All All
      Element alignmentVector[0, 1]

Coordinates of the unit vector defining the y-axis of the local cutout coordinate system. Must be normal to the orientationVector.

      Element cutoutType

Cutout type. Determines the type of the cutout and how it is treated by the tools. Possible values: ("window"|"door"|"ramp")

      Element deltaY

This value is used to define the width of the cutout

      Element deltaY1[0, 1]

This value is used to define the width of the cutout

      Element deltaZ

This value is used to define the height of the cutout

      Element deltaZ1[0, 1]

This value is used to define the height of the cutout

      Element description[0, 1]

Description of the cutout

      Element filletRadius

Fillet radius of the cut element (absolute value)

      Element name[0, 1]

Name of the cutout

      Element orientationVector

Coordinates of the unit vector defining the direction of extrusion

      Element positionX

X position of the cutout center point

      Element referenceAngle

Angle in degrees of the vector pointing from the cutout reference point to the cutout center point, measured relative to the direction of the fuselage z axis.

      Element referenceY

Y offset of the cutout reference point

      Element referenceZ

Z offset of the cutout reference point

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute uIDSimple Type IDYes
fuselageCutOut type, containing a fuselage cutout definition