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wallPositionType Complex Type

Definition of a wall position to place walls inside fuselage.

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Sequence Sequence
      Choice Choice
            Element bulkheadUID

UID of a bulkhead determining the x-coordinate of the position with the given y- and z-coordinates.

            Element fuselageSectionUID

DEPRECATED: use sectionUID instead. UID of a fuselage section determining the x-coordinate of the position with the given y- and z-coordinates.

            Element sectionUID

UID of a section determining the x-coordinate of the position with the given y- and z-coordinates.

            Element wallSegmentUID

UID of a wall segment determining the x-coordinate of the position with the given y- and z-coordinates.

            Element x

Absolute x-coordinate of wall position in fuselage coordinate system.

      Element y

Absolute y-coordinate of wall position in fuselage coordinate system.

      Element z

Absolute z-coordinate of wall position in fuselage coordinate system.

Attribute uIDSimple Type ID