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pointListRelXYZVectorType Complex Type

List of 3D points, kept in three relative coordinate vecors (rX, rY, rZ)

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
All All
      Element rX

Vector of rX coordinates. Relative circumferential coordinate on wing, fuselage or nacelle profile

      Element rY

Vector of rY coordinates. Relative span coordinate along a segment

      Element rZ

Vector of rZ coordinates. Relative coordinate normal to the linear strake (normalised with chordlength / diameter c*)

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string

This set of vectors contains an ordered list of points for rX, rY, and rZ coordinates in the form of stringBased Vectors. The x, y and z vector elements with the same index specify a 3D point relative to a geometric segment.

guide Profile Wing
guide Profile Fuselage
guide Profile Long