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controlSurfaceAirfoilType Complex Type

Airfoil definition of an control surface between inner and outer border.

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
All All
      Element airfoilUID

Reference to the airfoil uID.

      Element eta

Relative spanwise coordinate (eta) of the control surface, where the leading edge of the airfoil is placed.

      Element rotX

Rotation around an axis, going from the leading edge point to the trailing edge point of the control surface. Defaults to 90°, which is equivalent to perpendicular on the control surface middle plane.

      Element rotZ

Rotation of the airfoil around the control surface middle plane normal direciotn. Reference point is the most forward point of the airfoil. Defaults to 90°, which is equivalent to the airfoilplacement in flight direction (along wings-x axis).

      Element scalY

Scaling of the airfoil in spanwise direction (not used for 2D airfoils).

      Element scalZ

Scaling in thickness direction of the airfoil.

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string

Optional definition of the exact airfoil shape between the inner and outer border of the control surface.

The airfoil shape is defined via referencing to the airfoilUID. As the leading and trailing edge point is fix due to the outer shape definition of the control surface the airfoil can be rotated around the x-axis (axis going from leading to trailing edge of the control surface) and around the z-axis (normal axis on the control surface middle plane). Scaling in x-direction is also defined by the outer shape, wherefore only scaling in y and z direction is allowed.