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wingStringerType Complex Type

Definition of the wing stringers.

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence
      Element stringerStructureUID


      Choice Choice
            Sequence Sequence

This is the simple and default stringer definition

                  Element pitch

The pitch describes the distance between to adjacent stringers in the plane rectangular to the stringer elongation direction.

                  Element refPoint

Relative height at eta, xsi position

                  Element angle

Stringer angle: the reference axis for the stringer angle is defined by the two leading edge points of the 'from'- and the 'to'-element of the componentSegment definition. The angle between the reference axis and the stringers equals the rotation around the z-reference axis. For details, please refer to the picture below.

                  Element angleReference[0, 1]

If the reference of the stringer angle shall be different from the default implementation then this parameter may be set. Allowed values include: leadingEdge, trailingEdge and globalY. Furthermore, it is possible to provide the UID of a spar.

            Sequence Sequence

This is the explicit stringer definition. Please note that for a consistent definition two out of the possible three elements innerBorder (xsiLE, xsiTE), outerBorder (xsiLE, xsiTE) and stringer angle (and angle reference) must be defined. Any combination of two of the three is valid

                  Element numberOfStringers[0, 1]

The number of stringers; default is 0

                  Element angle[0, 1]

Stringer angle: the reference axis for the stringer angle is defined by the two leading edge points of the 'from'- and the 'to'-element of the componentSegment definition. The angle between the reference axis and the stringers equals the rotation around the z-reference axis. For details, please refer to the picture below.

                  Element angleReference[0, 1]

If the reference of the stringer angle shall be different from the default implementation then this parameter may be set. Allowed values include: leadingEdge, trailingEdge and globalY. Furthermore, it is possible to provide the UID of a spar.

                  Element innerBorderXsiLE[0, 1]

Inner border xsi coordinate at the leading edge of the stringer definition

                  Element outerBorderXsiLE[0, 1]

Outer border xsi coordinate at the leading edge of the stringer definition

                  Element innerBorderXsiTE[0, 1]

Inner border xsi coordinate at the trailing edge of the stringer definition

                  Element outerBorderXsiTE[0, 1]

Outer border xsi coordinate at the trailing edge of the stringer definition

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string

Within the wingStringerType wing stringers are defined. The stringer are defined by referencing on the stringerStructureUID, where the shape and material settings of one single stringer is defined. In addition the orientation and the stringer pitch have to be defined:

One stringer intersects the point at the given xsi and eta position.


Alternatively, an explicit stringer definition can be applied if the stringers shall be tapered.