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aeroPerformanceIncrementMapType Complex Type

Increment map from aerodynamic coefficients

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence
      Choice Choice
            Sequence Sequence
                  Element controlDeviceUID

Reference to the uID of a control device, e.g. a control surface or a landing gear

                  Element controlParameters

Value of the command parameters of a control distributor. If not given explicitly in the control distributor, linear interpolation between the neighboring points is required.

            Sequence Sequence
                  Element controlDistributorUID

Reference to a control distributor uID

                  Element commandInputs

Command inputs of a control distributor given as vector. If not given explicitly in the control distributor, linear interpolation between the neighboring points is required.

      Element dcd[0, 1]

Increment of drag coefficient in aerodynamic coordinates

      Element dcs[0, 1]

Increment of coefficient of the side force vector in aerodynamic coordinates (perpendicular to lift and drag)

      Element dcl[0, 1]

Increment of lift coefficient in aerodynamic coordinates

      Element dcmd[0, 1]

Increment of cmd

      Element dcms[0, 1]

Increment of cms

      Element dcml[0, 1]

Increment of cml

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute uIDSimple Type ID
The increment map is composed of two-dimensional arrays. The first dimension is given by the length of the input vectors of the baseline aeroPerformanceMap and the second dimension by the vector of relative deflections (or command inputs) of control surfaces (or control distributors). An example is described in the <CPACS> root element.