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pylonRibsPositioningType Complex Type


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence
      Element relDepthStart

relDepthStart defines the forward location of the beginning of the rib set. 0 equals the forward end of the pylon box, while 1 equals the rear end of the pylon box.

      Element relDepthEnd

relDepthEnd defines the rear end. 0 equals the forward end of the pylon box, while 1 equals the rear end of the pylon box.

      Element ribRotation[0, 1]

Ribs can be rotated in the side view. The defaults to 90°, which equals an orientation along the pylons z-axis. The angle is measured around the positive y-direction of the pylon.

      Choice Choice
            Element numberOfRibs

RibNumber defines the number of ribs in this ribSet. First rib is at relDepthStart along the pylons x-axis, last rib is at relDepthEnd. The spacing is constant.

            Element spacing

The spacing of the ribs defines the distance between two ribs, measured along the pylons x-axis. First rib is placed at relDepthStart.

      Element ribCrossingBehaviour

RibCrossingBehaviour can either be "cross" or "end". If it is end then ribs will end it they intersect another rib. It it is cross ribs are placed uncut.

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string

Within the ribsPositioning type the position and the orientation of the ribs of the rib set are defined.

The forward and the rear beginning of the rib set is defined using relDepthStart and relDepthEnd. The orientation of the ribs is defined in ribRotaton. The number of ribs of the current rib set is either defined by ribNumber or by spacing.