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profileBasedStructuralElementType Complex Type

Structural elements based on profiles

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence
      Element name[0, 1]

Name of the profile based structural element

      Element description[0, 1]

Description of the profile based structural element

      Choice Choice

Choice between global beam properties and sheet properties

            Sequence Sequence
                  Element sheetProperties[1, *]

Definition of the properties of the structural profile sheet

                  Choice Choice

Choice between general profile element description (referencing a structuralProfile) and predefined standard profiles

                        Sequence Sequence

Definition based on structuralProfile definition

                              Element structuralProfileUID

Reference to the structural profile profile uID

                              Element pointProperties[0, *]


                              Element referencePointUID[0, 1]

Reference point in structural profile definition for structural element definition

                        Element standardProfileType

Standard Profile Type, see picture below for further information.

            Element globalBeamProperties[0, 1]


      Element transformation[0, 1]

2D transformation

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute uIDSimple Type IDYes

Short description

The ProfileBasedStructuralElement type containins the data of a structural element, that are based on 2-dimensional profiles.

There are three approaches to model profile based structural elements:

  • by specifying global beam properties
  • by referencing a structuralProfile2D element
  • by choosing one of the prescribed standard profiles

1. Global beam properties

In the section globalBeamProperties the properties of the structural profile in an equivalent beam representation are defined.

2. Structural 2D profile

The structuralProfileUID element refers to the uID of the structuralProfile2D element. As described in the corresponding documentation, this profile is defined by several points in the x-y-space. Two points always form a sheet. The properties of each sheet are defined in the sheetProperties element. The orthotropy direction of composite materials equals the sheets' x-axis. The orthotropy direction angle equals a positive rotation around the sheets' z-axis as indicated in the picture below (part 3), which shows an example of a wing stringer.:

stringer 2

3. Standard structural 2D profile

Instead of referencing a structuralProfile2D element, it is also possible to select a predefined standard profile. These profiles are listed in the figure below. Under sheetProperties, only the standardProfileSheetID (equals S1, S2, ...) must now be specified along with a corresponding length.

standard profile