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wallSegmentType Complex Type

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

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      Element boundingElementUIDs[0, 1]

A list of uIDs referencing other structural/geometric elements that shall serve as a boundary of the wall element. Possible references are floor, wall or genericGeometryComponent. A major requirement is that the referenced element has an intersection with the wall for at least the distance between two wall positions. So that a full geometric face of the wall is bounded by it. Neighbouring wall faces that are not completely bounded by the reference element are not affected.

      Element doubleSidedExtrusion[0, 1]

By default, the wall is only extruded in positive direction. If doubleSidedExtrusion is true, the wall is additionally extruded in negative direction as well. Default: false.

      Element flushConnectionEnd[0, 1]

Rotates the last edge of the wall segment so that it is adjacent with the structural element defined in the last wall position (bulkhead, fuselage section or another plane wall). Default: false.

      Element flushConnectionStart[0, 1]

Rotates the first edge of the wall segment so that it is adjacent with the structural element defined in the first wall position (bulkhead, fuselage section or another plane wall). Default: false.

      Element phi

Defines extrusion direction. Rotation angle around fuselage x-axis of extrusion direction. A value of 0deg means fuselage z-axis as extrusion direction. Default: 0.0deg.

      Element structuralWallElementUID[0, 1]

Reference to the structural property definition of this wall segment.

      Element wallPositionUIDs

List of wall position uIDs that are used for this wall segment. At least two positions must be defined (for start and end position of wall). If more than two positions are referenced here, the wall is constructed out of several planar faces that connect two consecutive positions (Note: Order of position uIDs defines connectivity).

Attribute uIDSimple Type ID