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missionSegmentEndConditionType Complex Type

End condition

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence
      Choice Choice[0, 1]
            Element calibratedAirSpeed

Calibrated airspeed at the end of the segment [m/s]

            Element machNumber

Mach number at the end of the segment

      Choice Choice[0, 1]
            Element positionGeo

Position at the end of the segment in geo coordinates

            Element positionXYZ

Position at the end of the segment in xyz coordinates

            Element runway

Reference to the runway on which the segment ends

      Choice Choice[0, 1]
            Element fuelConsumed

Consumed fuel ending the segment [kg]

            Element fuelFraction

massFraction of remaining fuel ending the segment [-]

            Element fuelRemaining

Absolute mass of remaining fuel ending the segment [kg]

            Element massFraction

massFraction ending the segment [-]

            Element powerConsumed

Consumed power ending the segment [W]

            Element powerFraction

Power fraction of remaining at the end of the segment

            Element powerRemaining

Absolute power left ending the segment [W]

      Choice Choice[0, 1]
            Element heading

Flight heading at the end of the segment in compassAngle with reference to true North [deg]

            Element turnAngle

Total change of heading angle during segment (a full turn is 360 degrees) [deg]

      Element range[0, 1]

Flown distance ending the segment

      Choice Choice
            Element duration[0, 1]

Duration of the segment [hh:mm:ss]

            Element endTimeUTC[0, 1]

UTC time at end of segment [hh:mm:ss]

      Element specificExcessPower[0, 1]

Specific excess power at the end of the segment

      Element rateOfClimb[0, 1]

Rate of climb ending the segment [m/s]

      Element flightPathAngle[0, 1]

Achieved flightPathAngle ending the segment [deg]

      Element releasedStores[0, 1]

List of stores released in the segment. The corresponding weightAndBalance vector for retrieving the new state as well as a potential change in aerodynamicPerformanceMap (if external stores are released) should be reflected within the configuration node at model level.

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Specifies the end conditions for a segment or segment block (e.g.: an altitude or velocity). If a phase has no endCondition, it will base its endCondition on the segmentBlock settings (e.g.: it is the cruise segment, retrieving its total length based on the length of the segmentBlock minus all other segment lengths available within the segmentBlock).