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doubleArrayBaseType Complex Type

Array with semicolon separated values of type double

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Content Type
ItemFacet ValueDescription
Restriction string
      Facet Pattern((\s+)?[-+]?(\d+)?(\.)?(\d+)?(([eE][-+]?)?\d+)?(\s+)?|(\s+)?(NaN)(\s+)?)(;(((\s+)?[-+]?(\d+)?(\.)?(\d+)?(([eE][-+]?)?\d+)?(\s+)?)|(\s+)?(NaN)(\s+)?))*
Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute mapTypeSimple Type string

In CPACS arrays are used to exchange values in full-factorial parameter spaces, for example to describe the aerodynamic coefficients depending on Mach number and altitude.

Thus, the dimensions of the array are spanned by the input vectors. See the following example where two input vectors are defined. For clarification the entries of the array result from the multiplication of the index values of the corresponding input vectors:

Input vectors
Resulting 3x4 array

Any entries of type double separated by semicolons are valid, e.g.:

Example 1: valid double array
Example 2: valid double array with only one entry
Example 3: invalid double array due to comma separation
Example 4: invalid double array due to string entry
Example 5: invalid double array due invalid double values
<doubleArrayTest>1234.4E 56;-1.234e5.6</doubleArrayTest>

Please note that the syntax of arrays in the current CPACS version correspond exactly to the syntax of vectors. There is no special character indicating the dimensions. Thus, the input vectors have to be determined from the documentation of the corresponding elements and splitting of the one-dimensional vector has to be done manually.