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trailingEdgeDeviceType Complex Type

Trailing edge device of the wing.

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
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      Element actuators[0, 1]

Definition of actuators of the control surface, that are not placed within a track.

      Element cruiseRollers[0, 1]

Definition of cruise rollers/mid-span stops. Those features are small rolls at the leading edge of a flap that keep the flap within the bending wing at cruise configuration.

      Element description[0, 1]

Description of the trailing edge device.

      Element interconnectionStruts[0, 1]

Definition of interconnection struts. Those struts connect two neighbouring flaps and are load carrying in case of an actuator of flap track failour.

      Element name

Name of the trailing edge device.

      Element outerShape

Outer shape definition of the control surface.

      Element parentUID

UID of the parent of the TED. The parent can either be the uID of the componentSegment of the wing, or the uID of another TED. In the second case this TED is placed within the other TED (double slotted flap). In this way n-slotted TEDs can be created.

      Element path

Definition of the deflection path of the control surface.

      Element structure[0, 1]

Structure of the wing

      Element tracks[0, 1]

Control surface tracks (mechnaical link between control surface and parent).

      Element wingCutOut[0, 1]

Cut out of the parents structure due to a control surface.

      Element zCouplings[0, 1]

Definition of z-couplings. Those elements couple two neighbouring flaps in z-direction.

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute uIDSimple Type IDYes
A trailingEdgeDevice (TED) is defined via its outerShape relative to the componentSegment. The WingCutOut defines the area of the skin that is removed by the TED. Structure is similar to the wing structure. The mechanical links between the TED and the parent are defined in tracks. The deflection path is described in path. Additional actuators, that are not included into a track, can be defined in actuators. Leading and trailing edge are defined by the outer shape of the wing segments, i.e. the trailing edge of a trailingEdgeDevice is the trailing edge of the wing. This is also valid for kinks that are present in the wing but not explicitly modeled in the control surface.