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pressureBulkheadType Complex Type


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence
      Element name[0, 1]

Name of the pressure bulkhead structural element

      Element description[0, 1]

Description of the pressure bulkhead structural element

      Element sheetElementUID

UID of structural sheet element used for the bulkhead

      Choice Choice

Choice between flat and curved bulkhead types

            Sequence Sequence

additional data for flat (forward) pressure bulkhead

                  Element reinforcementNumberVertical[0, 1]

Number of vertical reinforcements on flat bulhhead

                  Element structuralElementVerticalUID[0, 1]

UID of structural elements used as vertical reinforcements

                  Element reinforcementNumberHorizontal[0, 1]

Number of horizontal reinforcements on flat bulhhead

                  Element structuralElementHorizontalUID[0, 1]

UID of structural elements used as horizontal reinforcements

            Sequence Sequence

additional data for curved (rear) pressure bulkhead

                  Element bulkheadCalotteRadiusAtFrame

Radius of bulkhead calotte in the plane of the adjacent frame

                  Element maxFlectionDepth

maximum flection of the pressure bulkhaed calotte

                  Element reinforcementNumberRadial[0, 1]

Number of radial reinforcements (equally distributed) on curved bulhhead

                  Element structuralElementRadialUID[0, 1]

UID of structural elements used as radial reinforcements on curved bulkheads

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute uIDSimple Type IDYes
PressureBulkhead type, containing data of a pressure bulkhead