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landingGearStrutAttachmentType Complex Type

Definition of the wing attachment

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence
      Choice Choice
            Sequence Sequence
                  Element ribDefinitionUID

UID of a set of ribs (ribDefinition)

                  Element ribNumber

Number of the rib in the rib set (ribDefinition)

            Element sparSegmentUID

UID of the second spar, where the landing gear is attached to. Only used, if the landing gear is attached between two spars.

            Element stringerFramePositionUIDs

framePositionUIDs of the frame

            Element structuralMountUIDs

UID of the structural mount

            Element supportBeam

Main landing gear support beam

      Element positioning[0, 1]

Position of the landing gear on a wing

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Definition of the wing attachment, if attached to the wing. The definition includes the position of the landing gear as well as the information to which spars resp. supportBeam the gear is attached.