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loadApplicationPointSetType Complex Type

Load application point set

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
All All
      Element componentUID

UID of a wing, fuselage or control surface

      Element connectivities[0, 1]

Specification of connectivity properties between points

      Element cutLoadIntegrationPoints[0, 1]

List of points at which cut loads are applied to

      Element loadApplicationPoints[0, 1]

List of points at which load vectors are applied to

      Element loadReferenceLine[0, 1]

Reference axis (line) for load distribution

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute uIDSimple Type IDYes

A point set contains discrete spatial points at which loads are applied (e.g., aerodynamic or structural loads). A typical procedure in CPACS is as follows:

  • Reference a wing, fuselage or control surface by its uID using the componentUID node.
  • Define a reference axis through the above component with the loadReferenceLine element to specify where a load distribution shall be applied.
  • Compute the intersections with (e.g.) ribs of the referenced component (wing, fuselage or control surface) and write the results into loadApplicationPoints. This procedure results from common practice where the forces in structural analyses are typically introduced at structural elements such as ribs and spars. With respect to preliminary aircraft design a two-dimensional load distribution is preferred. However, an arbitrary distribution of the load application points is possible (without the intersection of structural elements with a reference axis in the previous step), for example to define discrete load distributions on the wing surface in streamwise and spanwise direction.
  • Specify the location and orientation of cut loads in the cutLoadIntegrationPoints element and the corresponding connectivity information in the connectivities node.

Load reference line