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guideCurveProfile Element


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

All All
      Element description[0, 1]

Description of profile

      Element name

Name of profile

      Element pointList

List of 3D points, kept in three relative coordinate vecors (rX, rY, rZ)

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute symmetrySimple Type symmetryXyXzYzType

Symmetry (see CPACS root node documentation for details)

Attribute uIDSimple Type IDYes

A guide curve profile is defined by a profile name, an optional description and a 3-dimensional relative pointlist with all three coordinates mandatory. For typical profiles, one of the coordinate vectors contains only "0" entries. All point coordinates are transferred to the global coordinate system. First and last point may, but need not to, be identical.

The points have to be ordered in a mathematical positive sense.

A profile can be symmetric. In that case the profile is interpreted as being not closed and will be closed by mirroring it on the symmetry plane.

Curves have to go continuously over the whole wing or fuselage

Connection of guide curves from segment to segment

guide Profile Wing
guide Profile Fuselage

Please note, currently it is not possible to apply any means of class based transformation in the description. However, this may be an addition for the future.

See Also