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symmetryXyXzYzType Simple Type

Symmetry (see CPACS root node documentation for details)

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Content Type
ItemFacet ValueDescription
Restriction string
      Facet Enumerationnone

Symmetry inheritance from parent element disabled

      Facet Enumerationinherit

Symmetry inherited from parent element (default behavior, i.e. also applies if attribute not set)

      Facet Enumerationx-y-plane

Symmetry w.r.t. the x-y plane of the CPACS coordinate system

      Facet Enumerationx-z-plane

Symmetry w.r.t. the x-z plane of the CPACS coordinate system

      Facet Enumerationy-z-plane

Symmetry w.r.t. the y-z plane of the CPACS coordinate system
