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ribCell Element

Definition of a ribCell

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

All All
      Element fromRib

Defines the beginning of the ribCell. The enumeration is within the ribSet.

      Element lowerCap


      Element material

The orthotropyDirection is defined as rotation around the ribs z-axis. The rib coordinate system is defined as follows: x-axis is from leading to trailingeEdge of the componentSegment in the direction of the rib elongation. z-axis is normal to the rib in the direction of positive eta. y is defined by right hand rule. Rotation is around the z-axis. Zero degrees are at the x-axis positive direction.

      Element ribRotation

WING: The Rotation along the x describes a rotation around a line, that is defined by the intersection of the rib with the wing middle plane (orientated from leading to trailing edge). This angle defaults to 90° which means, that the rib is perpendicular on the wings middle plane. PYLON: The Rotation along the z describes a rotation around the pylons z-axis (= rotation in top view). This angle defaults to 90° which means, that the rib is perpendicular to the pylons x-axis.

      Element toRib

Defines the ending of the ribCell. The enumeration is within the ribSet.

      Element upperCap


Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute uIDSimple Type IDYes
RibCells are optional elements. They are defined via a fromRib and a toRib. The enumeration is within the ribSet. RibNumber 1 starts at etaStart.
See Also