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innerBorder Element

Inner/outer border of the control surface.

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Sequence Sequence
      Element etaLE

Relative spanwise inner/outer position of the leading edge of the control surface. Reference is eta/xsi from the parent.

      Element etaTE[0, 1]

Relative spanwise inner/outer position of the trailing edge of the control surface. Reference is eta/xsi from the parent. Defaults to 'etaLE'.

      Element xsiLE

Relative chordwise inner/outer position of the leading edge of the control surface. Reference is eta/xsi from the parent.

      Element xsiTE

Relative chordwise inner/outer position of the trailing edge of the control surface. Reference is eta/xsi from the parent.

      Choice Choice
            Element airfoil[0, 1]

Airfoil definition of an control surface at the inner/outer border.

            Element leadingEdgeShape[0, 1]

Optional definition of the leading edge shape of trailing edge devices (TED).

            Element relHeightLE[0, 1]

Defines the relative high of lowest point of the spoiler leading edge, relative to the airfoil height of the parent at this position. See picture below.

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string

Definition of the inner/outer border of the control surface.

The position on the planform of the control surface is defined by defining the eta/xsi coordinates of the inner/outer and forward/rear border. The eta/xsi coordinates refer to the parent.

In addition, optionally, the airfoil shape of the control surface can be defined closer. For the spoiler'relHeightLE' is used. If an exact control surface airfoil definition should be used, outerShape->airfoils can be used.

Please find below an example for the definition of the planform of a trailing edge device. Other controlsurfaces are similar.

outer Shape 1
spoiler 1
See Also