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negativeRates Element

Damping derivatives

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

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      Element dcddpStar[0, 1]

Change of cd by normalized roll rate

      Element dcddqStar[0, 1]

Change of cd by normalized pitch rate

      Element dcddrStar[0, 1]

Change of cd by normalized yaw rate

      Element dcldpStar[0, 1]

Change of cl by normalized roll rate

      Element dcldqStar[0, 1]

Change of cl by normalized pitch rate

      Element dcldrStar[0, 1]

Change of cl by normalized yaw rate

      Element dcmddpStar[0, 1]

Change of cmd by normalized roll rate

      Element dcmddqStar[0, 1]

Change of cmd by normalized pitch rate

      Element dcmddrStar[0, 1]

Change of cmd by normalized yaw rate

      Element dcmldpStar[0, 1]

Change of cml by normalized roll rate

      Element dcmldqStar[0, 1]

Change of cml by normalized pitch rate

      Element dcmldrStar[0, 1]

Change of cml by normalized yaw rate

      Element dcmsdpStar[0, 1]

Change of cms by normalized roll rate

      Element dcmsdqStar[0, 1]

Change of cms by normalized pitch rate

      Element dcmsdrStar[0, 1]

Change of cms by normalized yaw rate

      Element dcsdpStar[0, 1]

Change of cs by normalized roll rate

      Element dcsdqStar[0, 1]

Change of cs by normalized pitch rate

      Element dcsdrStar[0, 1]

Change of cs by normalized yaw rate

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
This type contains aerodynamic performance maps with the damping derivatives. The derivatives are calculated using rotational rates [rad/s], normalized by: Rate*ReferenceLength/flow speed. The rotations are performed around the global axis directions with the aircraft model's global reference point as origin. The damping derivative performance maps are vectors of the same length as the input vectors of the baseline aerodynamic performance maps, consisting of semicolon separated values.
See Also