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controlDistributor Element


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

All All
      Element commandInputs

Vector of command inputs. The minimum and maximum value is given by the lowest and highest entry of the vector, respectively.

      Element controlElements


      Element description[0, 1]


      Element name[0, 1]


Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute uIDSimple Type IDYes

single controlDistributor bundling several controlElements

Within some analyses, it might occur that overlapping control element settings are specified. In this case, it is assumed that a cumulative setting is built by summing up the individual settings. As the behavior of these settings is not necessarily linear, a certain order of summation has to be followed:

  1. The command inputs for each controlDistributor, coming from the configurationUID, as well as from separate settings have to be summed up to a total commandInput.
  2. With this total commandInput, each corresponding controlDistributor definition has to be evaluated, in order to get controlParameter settings for a number of controlDevices.
  3. All controlParameter settings for a controlDevice, coming from the configurationUID , from the controlDistributors and from separate controlDevice settings have to be summed up to get a total controlParameter for each controlDevice.
  4. With this total controlParameter, each corresponding controlDevice definition has to be evaluated, in order to find out what the control device finally is doing.
  5. During the summation process (depending on the order of processing within step 1 to 4), commandInputs or controlParameters might exceed the specified limits for that controlDistributor or controlDevices. As an intermediate result, this should be accepted – however, when it comes to evaluation in step 2 and 4, all commandInputs and controlParameters have to be within the specified limits.
See Also