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lateral Element

main element containing lateral directional transfer functions

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

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      Element denLat

denominator of lateral motion

      Element denLatRed

denominator of lateral motion of reduced 4th order system

      Element numBetaDas

numerator of transfer function roll control surface deflection to sideslip angle

      Element numBetaDasRed

numerator of transfer function roll control surface deflection to sideslip angle of reduced 4th order system

      Element numBetaDrp

numerator of transfer function yaw control surface deflection to sideslip angle

      Element numBetaFas

numerator of transfer function roll stick input to sideslip angle

      Element numBetaFrp

numerator of transfer function pedal input to sideslip angle

      Element numPFas

numerator of transfer function roll stick input to roll rate

      Element numPFrp

numerator of transfer function pedal input to roll rate

      Element numPhiDas

numerator of transfer function roll control surface deflection to bank angle

      Element numPhiDasRed

numerator of transfer function roll control surface deflection to bank angle of reduced 4th order system

      Element numPhiFas

numerator of transfer function roll stick input to bank angle

      Element numPhiFrp

numerator of transfer function pedal input to bank angle

      Element numRDas

numerator of transfer function roll control surface deflection to yaw rate

      Element numRDrp

numerator of transfer function yaw control surface deflection to yaw rate

      Element numRFas

numerator of transfer function roll stick input to yaw rate

      Element numRFrp

numerator of transfer function pedal input to yaw rate

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
See Also