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guideCurve Element

Guide Curve Type

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Sequence Sequence
      Element name

Name of guide curve

      Element description[0, 1]

Description of guide curve

      Element guideCurveProfileUID

Reference to a guide curve profile

      Choice Choice

For the first segment fromGuideCurveUID is not a valid entry! For the first guideCurve fromRelativeCircumference must be applied! fromGuideCurveUID is exclusive.

            Sequence Sequence
                  Element fromGuideCurveUID

Reference to the previous guide curve from which this guide curve shall start.

                  Element continuity[0, 1]

Continuity definition for geometry generation. Possible options: C0, C1 from previous, C2 from previous, C1 to previous, C2 to previous

            Sequence Sequence
                  Element fromRelativeCircumference

Reference to the relative circumference position from which the guide curve shall start. Valid values are in the interval -1.0...1.0.

                  Element tangent[0, 1]

Tangent at first point

      Element toRelativeCircumference

The relative circumference position at which the guide curve shall end. Valid values are in the interval -1,..,1.

      Element tangent[0, 1]

Tangent at last point

      Element rXDirection[0, 1]

Local direction along which the relative x-coordinates of the guide curve points are defined. For the wing the default is the wing's local x-axis, for the fuselage its the fuselage's local z-axis.

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute uIDSimple Type IDYes

A guide curve may be used to alter the shape of the outer geometry and "guide" the loft. The guide curve profiles are defined in the guideCurveProfileGeometryType. Their use on wing and fuselage components is illustrated in the image below.

Illustration of guide curves
See Also