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upperSkin Element

Cut out of the parents upper/lower skin due to a control surface.

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Choice Choice
      Sequence Sequence
            Element xsiInnerBorder

Xsi value of the inner border, where the cut out begins.

            Element xsiOuterBorder

Xsi value of the outer border, where the cut out begins.

      Element sparUID

Reference to a spar, defining the skin cut out.

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string

Optional. Definition of the skin cut out due to a control surface. The cut out of the skin can either be defined by referencing to a spar uID or by defining the relative chord values (xsi) of the cut at the inner and outer border of the control surface. The xsi value is based on the parents chord. For leading edge devices additional parameters can be defined.

An example for wing cut outs can be found in the picture below:

wing Cut Out
See Also