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anisotropicShellProperties Element

Anisotropic material properties for 2D materials

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

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      Element eps1c[0, 1]

Allowable strain for compression in material direction 1

      Element eps1t[0, 1]

Allowable strain for tension in material direction 1

      Element eps2c[0, 1]

Allowable strain for compression in material direction 2

      Element eps2t[0, 1]

Allowable strain for tension in material direction 2

      Element gamma12[0, 1]

Allowable strain for shear

      Element Q11

Coefficient 11 of reduced stiffness matrix [N/m^2]

      Element Q12

Coefficient 12 of reduced stiffness matrix [N/m^2]

      Element Q13

Coefficient 13 of reduced stiffness matrix [N/m^2]

      Element Q22

Coefficient 22 of reduced stiffness matrix [N/m^2]

      Element Q23

Coefficient 23 of reduced stiffness matrix [N/m^2]

      Element Q33

Coefficient 33 of reduced stiffness matrix [N/m^2]

      Element sig1c[0, 1]

Allowable stress for compression in material direction 1 [N/m^2]

      Element sig1t[0, 1]

Allowable stress for tension in material direction 1 [N/m^2]

      Element sig2c[0, 1]

Allowable stress for compression in material direction 2 [N/m^2]

      Element sig2t[0, 1]

Allowable stress for tension in material direction 2 [N/m^2]

      Element tau12[0, 1]

Allowable stress for shear [N/m^2]

      Element thermalConductivity1[0, 1]

Thermal conductivity of the material in material direction 1 [W/(m*K)]

      Element thermalConductivity2[0, 1]

Thermal conductivity of the material in material direction 2 [W/(m*K)]

      Element thermalConductivity3[0, 1]

Thermal conductivity of the material in material direction 3 [W/(m*K)]

      Element thermalExpansionCoeff1[0, 1]

Thermal expansion coefficient in material direction 1 [1/K]

      Element thermalExpansionCoeff12[0, 1]

Thermal expansion coefficient in material direction 12 [1/K]

      Element thermalExpansionCoeff2[0, 1]

Thermal expansion coefficient in material direction 2 [1/K]

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Defines the material properties for a linear anisotropic material in the plane stress state (i.e., shell). The stress-strain relationship is defined as:
The terminology of this complex type refers to the following literature:
  • [1] R. M. Jones, Mechanics Of Composite Materials, 2 New edition. Philadelphia, PA: Taylor and Francis Inc, 1998.
  • [2] J. N. Reddy, Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates and Shells: Theory and Analysis, Second Edition. CRC Press, 2004.
See Also
