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indexIDs Element

Vector with semicolon separated indices of the parts of the respective segment within the mission definition for which the specific configuration setting holds. Example: scheduling configurations for a climb or descent segment (different settings of moveables and gears) on altitudes/velocities

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Content Type
ItemFacet ValueDescription
Restriction string
      Facet Pattern(\s+)?\d+(([eE][-+]?)?\d+)?(\s+)?(;(\s+)?\d+(([eE][-+]?)?\d+)?(\s+)?)*
Attribute aSimple Type string
Attribute bSimple Type string
Attribute cSimple Type string
Attribute deltaSimple Type string
Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute mapTypeSimple Type string
Attribute muSimple Type string
Attribute uncertaintyFunctionNameSimple Type uncertaintyFunctionType
Attribute vSimple Type string
Attribute wSimple Type string
See Also